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The 25 Application

Thank you for your interest in The 25. Each year, first-year undergraduate students who are true Freshmen will be selected to participate in a cohort of The 25. If you are an upperclassman and you’re interested in The 25, please reach out to us so we can talk about the program.

Application instructions:

Carefully read and complete all questions in this application. You may find it helpful to initially type your answers in a Word document so as not to lose your work on this application. Your application cannot be edited after submission.


You will be asked to provide contact information for two references (not a family member or peer) who we can send a short reference questionnaire to. References should be individuals who know you well enough to provide a character reference and can speak to your readiness to participate in a leadership development program. Please let these individuals know that they will be receiving an email from the-25@bethel.edu containing a reference request within the next few days.

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