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How to Check Your Transcript and Degree Evaluation

Your Academic Transcript: What Is It?

Your academic transcript is Bethel’s record of the courses you’ve taken at Bethel, the courses you’ve transferred from other institutions, and your grades. You can view your unofficial transcript online through MyBethel. Your official transcript is available by request from the Registrar's Office.

How to Access Your Unofficial Transcript

  1. Go to the Student Records channel in MyBethel.
  2. Click "Transcript"
  3. Click “Submit”

How to Read Your Transcript

  1.  The first section of your transcript is the “STUDENT INFORMATION” section. Make sure you review your major(s) for accuracy—this is important for advising and department communications.
  2. Below this basic information, you’ll see a section called “TRANSFER CREDIT ACCEPTED BY INSTITUTION”. Check to make sure all of your previous college-level coursework appears in this section.
    • Transfer courses are grouped by term and institution.
    • In each course listing, you’ll see a slash. Everything to the left of the slash is how Bethel counts your transfer course; to the right of the slash, you’ll see how the course was listed at the school where you completed it (or the name of the test you took)
    • Bethel counts and lists transfer courses in several ways:
      • Courses that count as specific Bethel courses are listed with a full course number: “GES 110”
      • Courses that count as electives within a certain department are listed with the department code and a single number: “HIS 1  ” The number indicates whether the class is a 100-, 200-, 300-, or 400-level course.
      • Courses that count as general credit but do not fit into a department and do not transfer as one of Bethel’s general education courses are listed with “GES” and a single number: “GES 2  ”
      • Courses that fulfill one of Bethel’s general education category requirements are listed with an additional letter after the course number. This could be attached either to a particular Bethel course or a department or general elective: “ENJ 1-A,” “GES 2-G”
    • If a course you completed appears to be missing, see What If A Course Is Missing? below.
    • To find the total number of transfer credits you’ve brought to Bethel, go to the bottom of your transcript. Under “TRANSCRIPT TOTALS,” see the “Total Transfer” row and the “Earned Hours” column.
      • The number of credits you complete before starting at Bethel determines your Entry Standing, which could give you certain course exemptions. For details, compare your total transfer credit to the Entry Standing Chart for the year you entered Bethel. If you transfer credits completed after you became a Bethel student (such as summer term courses), those credits will not change your Entry Standing, but they will be included in your total transfer earned hours and will count toward graduation.
  3. The next section, titled “INSTITUTION CREDIT,” shows all the courses you’ve completed at Bethel so far, as well as any courses for which you are currently registered.
  4. The final section, “TRANSCRIPT TOTALS,” lists your total institutional, transfer, and combined credit totals, as well as your overall GPA.

What If a Course is Missing?

If a course you completed appears to be missing, it is probably due to one of the following reasons (see Bethel’s Transfer Policies for details):

  • You did not request official transcripts with your final grades from the course, or the transcripts have not yet reached Bethel.
  • You did not receive the required “C” or higher in the course.
  • The course is a vocational/technical course and does not count for credit at Bethel.

If you think your transcript is incorrect, you can do the following:

  1. Check on Transcripts from Other Schools.
    • Make sure you have requested all transcripts from the colleges/universities where you took coursework.
    • Make sure you have requested score reports from CollegeBoard for AP and CLEP exams you have taken.
    • Transcripts must include final grades in order for a course to transfer to Bethel. Sometimes transcripts are sent before final grades are assigned, so the grade may be listed as “in progress.” If this is the case, please request an updated official transcript to be sent to Bethel University—Office of the Registrar.
  2. Contact the Registrar's Office. If you have requested the transcript(s) after final grades were listed and the courses still don’t appear, email cas-registrar@bethel.edu. Include the following information in the e-mail:
    • your name
    • your student ID number
    • the name of any missing courses with the name of the college/university where you took them
    • the approximate date when you requested the transcript to be sent to Bethel
    • how you requested the transcript be sent to Bethel (e.g., electronically/via email or by paper mail)

If a course shows up but didn’t transfer to Bethel the way you think it should have, you can fill out a petition to have the course reviewed.

Your Degree Evaluation: What Is It?

Your degree evaluation is where the Registrar’s Office records which requirements you have completed for your degree and which you still need to fulfill. You should also check your degree evaluation regularly to make sure you’re on track to graduate.

How to Access Your Degree Evaluation

  1. Go to the Student Records channel in MyBethel.
  2. Click "Degree Works"