Preparing for college can be challenging, especially when there are countless decisions to make about which school, major, and classes to choose. Hopefully this post will help with one particularly important college decision: Should you live on campus?
Our answer? Absolutely.
Living on campus during your college career is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You may never again have the chance to experience dorm life with all its ups and downs. Take advantage of the chance to jump right into the college experience as you begin a new stage of your life! If you’re still not convinced here are five reasons why we think every student should live in campus housing:
1. It’s incredibly convenient.
Living on campus naturally simplifies many aspects of your college life. What you pay for your room will generally include utilities, internet, dorm room furniture, and laundry. This leaves fewer things for you to figure out than if you lived off campus. Besides, the close proximity to your classes is especially helpful when trying to arrive at your 8 a.m. on time. Not to mention the ability to walk to class means there’s no need to worry about finding a parking space every morning. Even scheduling time to work on a group project is a breeze since you live only minutes from all the best meeting spots on campus.
2. All campus resources will be at your finger tips.
Beyond proximity to your classes, living on campus provides quick access to all the amenities and services your school offers. You’ll likely be on a meal plan, meaning you can take advantage of the school’s dining options whenever you’re hungry, allowing you to avoid cooking between classes! You’re also right next to your school’s library, gym, and academic resources. Furthermore, the university’s medical and security services are available if needed.
3. You won’t miss all the events!
We have two words: campus life. Living on campus allows you to be aware of everything that’s happening, from all-campus events sponsored by the student government to activities led by different clubs or individual dorms. It also allows you to be around if a group of friends spontaneously decide to watch a movie, grab a bite to eat, or rollerblade across campus.
4. The community is your built-in support system.
Colleges put great effort toward creating a warm, welcoming environment to turn your college dorm into your “home away from home.” Residence hall leadership serve as a built-in support system as you adjust to a new stage of life. The opportunity to connect with the amazing people who fill these roles is just another reason to live on campus.
5. It’s the best way to meet new people.
Perhaps the best reason for living on campus is that dorm life provides numerous opportunities to connect with fellow students. The students living with you will have a variety of interests and backgrounds—and you might not get to know them otherwise! You’ll also build your interpersonal skills as you learn how to engage with people who are different than you as you journey through college together.
All in all…
Living on campus allows you to build a new community of fellow students and it makes the logistics of your life easier. You have enough to worry about as you start your first semester of college without adding cooking, parking, and driving time to that list. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to grow and learn on a campus designed to help you through this next step in life. You’ll only be a traditional college freshman once. It just makes sense to fully embrace the experience.
Curious about what living on campus at Bethel is like? Visit our Residence Life page, where you can see inside residence halls, learn more about amenities, and explore the various opportunities that living in Bethel housing offers.