One of the best ways to discover whether or not a college is the right fit for you is through a campus visit. Touring campus can provide great opportunities to experience life as a college student or to learn your way around campus. But a college tour is about so much more than simply inspecting the dorm rooms or sampling a meal in the dining center.
If you truly want to make the most out of your next college visit, don’t be afraid to ask questions as you pass through the halls. Often, tour guides will be current students who can give you an insider’s perspective on everything from how to handle difficult classes to the best ways to spend your free time. You may also have the chance to talk with professors, admissions counselors, or financial aid experts—all of whom can provide useful information about both the college you’re visiting and the general college experience. Below are a few of our best college visit questions to help jumpstart valuable conversations with your tour guide the next time you’re exploring a new school.
20 Questions
- What does a regular day in the life of a student look like?
- How many students are involved in on-campus extracurriculars?
- What sort of dining options are available?
- What type of student succeeds at this school?
- Can you tell me about general education requirements here?
- What do you appreciate most about this school?
- What is one thing you feel this school could do better?
- Are there academic support services available?
- What is the average class size?
- How accessible are professors?
- What are the most popular majors on campus?
- Are classes more lecture-based or discussion-based?
- How easy is it to change your major?
- How many hours are spent on homework in an average week?
- What sort of job and internship resources are available?
- How does studying abroad work at this school?
- How long does the average student take to graduate?
- What sort of financial aid is offered?
- Are there work-study opportunities?
- When are applications due?
Even if your tour guide or the professor you spoke with doesn’t know the exact answer to every one of your questions, they’ll likely be able to direct you to someone who does. Make sure to take advantage of the chance to dive a bit deeper into what makes the school unique. Chances are, if you ask a few good questions, you’ll walk away from your campus visit with a far clearer idea of whether you can see yourself in the classrooms you toured, or if you might need to keep looking to find the right place for you.
Interested in seeing Bethel’s campus? Schedule a visit today!