☰ In This Section

Our professors are distinguished scholars, active researchers, published writers, and faithful Christians who demonstrate what it means to be both Christ-followers and leaders in their academic fields. As mentors and role models, they play a huge role in the integration of faith and learning at Bethel.

Department Chair

Rollin King

Rollin King

Professor of Chemistry | rking@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2001

King's research is in the area of computational chemistry, which is the application of quantum mechanics using the tools of modern computing to solve problems in chemistry. He is a primary developer of the PSI4 quantum chemistry package, collaborating with scientists around the world to develop open-source software. King's current research focuses on the modeling polymers for organic photovoltaic cells, determining molecular stereochemistry by computing spectroscopic properties, generating . . . read more.

Brandon Winters

Brandon Winters

Professor of Chemistry | b-winters@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2011

Dr. Winters' research is currently focused on the chemistry of carbon. Carbon has more known allotropes than any other material with a new one having been discovered as recently as 2015. While many of these allotropes have existed naturally for thousands of years, it was not until 2004 that one particularly fascinating one, graphene, was discovered and characterized. This form of carbon is the first 2D material ever discovered and is made up of a single atomic-thin layer of carbons bonded t. . . read more.


James Christenson

James Christenson

Associate Professor of Chemistry | chrjam@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2017

Professor Christenson teaches within the Chemistry department.

JB Jawabrah Al Hourani

JB Jawabrah Al Hourani

Associate Professor of Chemistry | jawabrah@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2022

JB (Baker Jawabrah Al Hourani) is an Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Chemistry Department.

Angela Stoeckman

Angela Stoeckman

Professor of Chemistry | a-stoeckman@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2015

Angela is passionate about teaching chemistry and conducting undergraduate research. She is a member of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Hemingway Society.

Tao Wu

Tao Wu

Associate Professor of Chemistry | tao-wu@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2024

Wu is from Nanjing, China, where he grew up in a non-believing family. His first encounter with Christianity occurred after moving to the United States. Wu became a follower of Christ while pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Upon completing his doctorate, he served as a Lab Manager at Oklahoma State University for four years, overseeing high-value instruments and enjoying the process of teaching students how to use them. This experience ignited his passion for teachi. . . read more.

Adjunct Faculty

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Sarah Danielson

Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry and Chemistry Lab and Safety Coordinator | s-danielson@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2023

Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry

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Lori Schmidt

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry | les42747@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2013

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry

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David Tweeten

Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry | twedav@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2018

Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry

Emeritus/Emerita Faculty

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Don Albright

Professor of Chemistry Emeritus | d-albright@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 1985

Professor of Chemistry Emeritus

Ken Rohly

Ken Rohly

Professor of Chemistry Emeritus | rohly@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 1987

Ken's research is focused on solution, surface, and materials chemistry applied to industrial applications. His major area of interest has been the modification of the surface chemistry of metallic and polymeric biomaterials used for devices implanted in the body. Recent research projects include the development and understanding of ion-exchange materials, physical and chemical adsorption phenomena, the application of biocides in medical device processes, microencapsulation and controlled r. . . read more.

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Paul Tavernier

Professor of Chemistry Emeritus | p-tavernier@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 1973

Professor of Chemistry Emeritus