Corey Tolliver Sr.

Job Titles
Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Social Work, College of Arts and Sciences
Social Work (B.A.) College of Adult and Professional Studies
Social Work (M.S.W.), Graduate School
Corey currently serves as the Director of Operations and Clinical Lead for Life Services Mental Health Agency in Richmond, Virginia. As Director of Operations, Corey implements strategies and plans to service the homeless community suffering from increased mental health symptoms, chronic homelessness, and limited support from family and friends. Corey has implemented community assistance programs and workshops for professionals on self-care and building healthy relationships with those in the community. Prior to directing Corey spent time with the Department of Juvenile Justice teaching high school English. During that time period Corey was able to rewrite the English curriculum centered around the hit Broadway play Hamilton. It was this experience that shaped the foundation for future work in the community.
Started at Bethel
- Baylor University - M.S.W., 2021
- Virginia Commonwealth University - B.S. in Psychology , 2013
Corey currently serves as the Director of Operations and Clinical Lead for Life Services Mental Health Agency in Richmond, Virginia. As Director of Operations, Corey implements strategies and plans to service the homeless community suffering from increased mental health symptoms, chronic homelessness, and limited support from family and friends. Corey has implemented community assistance programs and workshops for professionals on self-care and building healthy relationships with those in the community. Prior to directing, Corey spent time with the Department of Juvenile Justice teaching high school English. During that time period, Corey was able to rewrite the English curriculum centered around the hit Broadway play Hamilton. It was this experience that shaped the foundation for future work in the community.
Corey works closely with stakeholders in the community to assess and deliver individual services, as needed, by individuals. Corey continues to work with local pastors and community organizations to discover new ways to overcome obstacles idenitifed as risk factors to the community members. Corey is currently completing hours towards LCSW as a Licensed Mental Health Professional-Supervisee. Clinical tasks include monthly groups with men ages 18-65, comprehensive assesments, and developing individual service plans for individuals in service. Corey conducts weekly supervison with his team of QMHPs and provides outpatient therapy in the community as well.
Corey lives in Chesterfield, Virginia with his wife, Ravae Tolliver and two children, Corey (Cash) Tolliver Jr (age 5) and Olivia Tolliver (age 2).
Boost 200 LCSW Supervision Grant
Bell, A., Vasquez, E., Timbers, V., & Tolliver, C. (2022, October 27-30). Can Social Workers of Faith Be A Bridge in the Social Language Divides? (Conference Workshop). NACSW Annual Convention, Chicago IL, US.
Tolliver, C. (2021). How to Preserve the Compassion of a Bleeding Heart. CEU Presentation at Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Waco, TX.
Tolliver, C. (2022). Micro-Aggressions. Guest lecture, North Central University, School of Social Work: SWK culturally competent practice. Minneapolis, MN
Certificates and Licenses
LMHP-S (Licensed Mental Health Professional-Supervisee)
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.
Hobbies and Interests
Corey is a sneaker enthusiast. Collecting over 100 pairs, Corey enjoys different styles and colors for various activites. Other hobbies and intrests include listening to music, coaching youth sports teams, cooking, and writing poetry.
Areas of expertise
Self-Care Trauma-Informed Care CBT DBT
Research interests
Research areas of interest include the trauma black men experienced as children and the resulting pain used to foster and pursue their dream in lieu of actually healing that pain. I want to research the access black men ages 18-35 have to mental health care—or lack thereof—and the surrounding factors stemming from ACES or adult trauma. I would like to engage with community members to research these trends and discover alternatives to the issue. I would like to utilize this research as literature in the form of a workbook to address trauma, teach healing strategies, and effective ways to develop a strategy to plan for the future.
Teaching specialty
Corey specializes in developing future leaders by cultivating safe and inclusive environments for students to learn and develop ideas. This includes, but is not limited to, mentorship in motivational techniques and mindset training related to success principles.
"Love First, Explore Daily. Perform Your Best, Trust Your Faith & Path." ~ Professor Tolliver