Kevin L. Johnson

Job Title
Teaching Partner
MBA, Graduate School
Dr. K.L. Johnson is a Teaching Partner (Adjunct Associate Professor) at Bethel University. As one of our Bethel MBA faculty, Dr. Johnson also teaches courses for CAS (Undergraduate Business Department), as well as the Adult Undergraduate, and Graduate Programs of Bethel (CAPS/GS).
Started at Bethel
- Dartmouth College - B.A., Engineering Sciences, NA
- Indiana University - M.B.A., Finance and Marketing, 1996
- Indiana University - Ph.D., Strategy & Entrepreneurship, 2005
Dr. K.L. Johnson is a Bethel University Teaching Partner for the Bethel MBA Faculty. He teaches courses in three programs: CAS (the Business Department), CAPS/GS; and, the MBA Program.
From buying and starting businesses to running them, Dr. Johnson has considerable business experience ranging from door-to-door sales to engineering and technical marketing. He has worked in grocery stores, in inventory control, in laboratories, and in fast food restaurants. Before coming into academia he served as senior Business Development Specialist for a Fortune 500 for which he handled domestic and international Mergers & Acquisitions and coordinated due diligence teams.
Dr. Johnson also has extensive teaching experience which includes teaching entrepreneurship (Indiana University); strategic management (Baylor University); and organizational behavior and leadership (University of St. Thomas); as well as, Business Problem Solving, Advanced Managerial Finance, and Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Bethel University). Whether dealing with undergraduates who are just getting started or graduates with years of experience, he enjoys guiding students in their educational journey. Indeed, his teaching philosophy is that learning should positively change behavior; and, his research philosophy is that discovery should add to understanding as well as lead to new questions.
Dr. Johnson is also involved in research. His research interests include corporate entrepreneurship with a focus on the performance of internal corporate ventures, as well as new venture strategies, entrepreneurial startups, and innovation. He has been interviewed on public radio regarding is research and is published in JSBM, JSBE, and NEJE.
Courses Taught
- Advanced Competitive Advantage
- Advanced Managerial Finance
- Business Problem Solving
- Business Strategy
- Contemporary Topics in Finance
- Data Analytics & Decision Making (Fundamentals of…)
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Strategies
- Financial Management
- Foundations of Business Analytics
- Global Finance
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- International Business Seminar
- Leadership (Integrated Team Capstone)
- Managerial Economics
- Managerial Finance
- Organizational Behavior (& Management)
- Principles of Project Management
- Strategic Communications for Leaders
- Strategy Execution
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Management and Leadership
- Strategic Management and Planning
- “Value Proposition Evolution and the Performance of Internal Corporate Ventures”, Journal of Business Venturing, 2015 (Disputed Paper)
- “The Role of Structural and Planning Autonomy in the Performance of Internal Corporate Ventures”, Journal of Small Business Management, 50(3): 2012.
- “Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities as a Means to Maintain Entrepreneurial Talent in Corporations”, Journal Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 25(3): 2012.
- “Are You an Innovator or Adaptor? The Impact of Cognitive Propensity on Venture Expectations and Outcomes”, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(2): 29-45, 2008.
- Chapter 14, Job and Life Satisfaction. Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: The Process of Business Creation, Boulder, CO: SAGE, 2004.
- Chapter 15, Decision-Making (Innovator/Adaptor) Style. Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: The Process of Business Creation, Boulder, CO: SAGE, 2004.
- ”Public versus Private Technology Pioneering New Ventures:How Do Clusters, Patents, and R&D Affect Alliance Formation” (AOM 2016)
- “Value Proposition Evolution and the Performance of Internal Corporate Ventures.” Selected as Best Paper (AOM 2013)
- “The role of structural and planning autonomy in the performance of internal corporate ventures," (The OCB Research Symposium 2013)
- “The interrelationship of technology and location in high status partner alliances and networks” (AOM 2009)
- “A tale of two theories: why individuals leave corporations to become entrepreneurs – satisfaction versus fit”. (AOM 2008)
- “An exploration of managerial decisions based on corporate effectiveness and competitive efficiency” (AOM 2008)
- “The Role of Autonomy In Internal Corporate Venturing Performance” (ICSB-International Council for Small Business- World Conference, 2008)
- “Predicting Internal Corporate Venture Performance: Process, Resource, Strategic and Structural Considerations.” (MDSA Conference, 2005).
- “Are Innovators Better Entrepreneurs? An examination of the relationship between cognitive style and entrepreneurship.” (Clemson, PSED Conference, 2004).
- “The Impact of Cognitive Styles on Decision-Making in New Venture Creation and the Expectations and Perceptions of Nascent Entrepreneurs.” (AOM, 2001)
- “Preferred Decision-Making Style of Nascent Entrepreneurs in New Venture Creation.” (University of Southern California Entrepreneurial Research Consortium (ERC) Symposium - 2000).
Certificates and Licenses
Engineer-In-Training Certification (EIT)/Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
Continuing/Professional Education Certificates:
Program PMI® Registered Education Provider / ID #4101
- Project Management Foundations: RISK
- Exam Tips: Certified Associate in Project Management
- Project Management Simplified
- Learning Gantt Charts
- The Top 10 Project Management Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Editorial board member of the Journal of Business Theory and Practice (JBTP).
Hobbies and Interests
Holy Scriptures
Raising two young children to love the Lord
Areas of expertise
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Research interests
Corporate Entrepreneurship Internal Corporate Venturing New Venture Creation Strategies Innovation (Business and Technology) Nascent Entrepreneurship
Teaching specialty
Strategic Management & Planning CapSim (Business Simulation)
Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst, Expect something In-Between.