Sara Evans

Job Title


Evans holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. While there, her research focused on the formative power of liturgical practices, particularly the embodied aspects of rituals practiced by the community of faith. She was lucky to study a variety of theologians and traditions in order to have a brand grasp on this subject matter. Iher interests are in helping people articulate their beliefs through theological reflection, telling stories, and cultivating beauty. At the moment, much of her time is spent with three bright young girls whom I'm grateful to have as my daughters. When she's not stealing away to the attic for research and writing, you can generally find her in the garden or working on material for the church where she serves full time. She is more frequently known as Dr. Mum than Dr. Evans, and the New Zealand debate over pronouncing my name is ongoing.

Started at Bethel



  • University of Otago - Ph.D., 2021