Flourishing Through a Global Pandemic: Topics on Clinician Burnout and Global Mission Work
Date |
Friday, April 22, 2022
8 a.m. - 1 p.m. |
Location | Anderson Center | Community Room - View maps and directions |
Instructions for Guests | Get directions to Anderson Center 2 Pine Tree Dr Arden Hills, MN 55112 |
Cost | Credit-seeking: $300 | Non-credit-seeking: $40 |
Registration | Registration is now closed. |
Sponsors | Physician Assistant Program | Office of Alumni and Family Relations |
Event Description
The Bethel PA Program is sponsoring an inaugural half-day CME event designed not only to help you combat burnout in your medical profession but also to expand your vision of what’s possible globally. In a four-lecture, interactive format, come learn about confronting complex humanitarian crises, changing the lives of amputees through prosthetics, and practicing international primary and even specialty care from home. We are offering a reduced rate for Bethel community members who do not require continuing education credits.
Breakfast and lunch are provided. Conference has been approved for 4.0 AAFP prescribed credit hours (equivalent to 4 AMA category I credits, or 4 AAPA category I credits).
8 a.m. | Continental Breakfast and Registration
8:20-9:15 a.m. | The Role of Doctors and APPs in Disaster Response and Refugee Crises - Dr. Mitch Duininck
9:20-10:15 a.m. | Caring for Amputees in Developing Nations - Dr. Greg Ekbom
10:20-11:15 a.m. | Tanzanian Missions and Telemedicine - Dr. Mark Druffner
11:15 a.m.-12 p.m. | Lunch
12-1 p.m. | Dealing with Stress and Burnout in Life and in Medical Practice - Dr. Mitch Duininck
Dr. Mitch Duininck
Mitch is an ‘81 Bethel graduate and 2017 Alumnus of the Year. He is married to Leah and they have six children, three of whom are Bethel grads. He is the Pres/CEO and program director of the In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program in Tulsa. He also heads two medical nonprofits. He and his family, as well as many family practice residents, have been on multiple missions around the world, including one year in Kabul helping the Afghan Family Medicine Residency Program, providing emergency health care following the Pakistani earthquake and Indonesian tsunami, as well as caring for Syrian refugees from ISIS in northern Iraq.
Dr. Greg Ekbom
Greg is a ‘71 Bethel grad. At Bethel, he met and married the love of his life, Eva, with whom he had one child, Doug. He went on to become a general and vascular surgeon and later an oncologic breast surgeon at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He was the former Director of Clinical Education for the Bethel PA program for seven years. Eva tragically died in 2011, and crushingly, Doug, a double BKA, died in 2019. Greg started the nonprofit Dignity for the Amputee International, also known as LimbFit. LimbFit has seen tremendous growth and is supplemented by Greg's surgical work in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Dr. Mark Druffner
Mark is a ’91 graduate of Thomas Jefferson Medical School and the North Memorial Family Medicine Residency. He has been at Hudson Physicians since 1997. He is married to Molly. They have seven children. Molly encouraged a trip to Kenya in 1991 where the mission bug was planted in Mark. A 2009 trip to Tanzania led to involvement with Mission Doctors Association. Mark and Molly helped found a hospital in Bwambo, Tanzania, where the whole family gets involved. They also founded a nonprofit called Partners for Hope Tanzania. Mark’s special interests in Tanzania include maternal and neonatal health and telemedicine.
Hotels & Accommodations
Located in the metro area of the Twin Cities, Bethel is surrounded by a number of great hotel options. We’ve worked with the hotels listed below to secure good rates for our campus guests, simply ask for the "Bethel Rate" when you call for reservations. Each hotel will be your best source for information about your stay, shuttle service, and other amenities. Find hotels that offer a "Bethel Rate" here.
Contact Christy Hanson at c-hanson@bethel.edu.