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Digital Library

digital library
The digital library collects, preserves, and facilitates the discovery of the Bethel community’s scholarship, history, and culture.

Search Bethel's historical documents, photos, and scholarship.


The digital library has over twenty collections centered around five major themes:

  1. Bethel history
  2. Art and creative works
  3. Faculty and student scholarship
  4. Natural history
  5. Student experience
Our collections contain primary source materials made available digitally, and organized to assist in its exploration and use in teaching and scholarship.

View the complete list of all digital library collections.


View our current online exhibits which feature materials in our digital collections that focus on a theme or topic like Bethel’s history, Homecoming memories, or Bethel's involvement and response to past wars.


Thesis and dissertation submission

Consider adding your scholarship to Bethel’s digital library at the completion of your graduate work.

Undergraduate scholarship

The digital library collects undergraduate scholarship created for conferences, senior seminar papers and scholarly and creative work submitted for awards.

Faculty scholarship

The digital library collects faculty scholarship to provide digital access to faculty work in the Bethel library.

Suggestions for new collections and exhibits?

Please contact us at digital-library@bethel.edu if you have an idea or suggestion for a new collection that you would like to develop or share, or if you would like to consult with us about creating an exhibit using our collections.



Part of developing digital collections includes converting physical objects into digital files. The digital library converts collections of items for research and teaching purposes for long-term use.

If you would like to consult with us about adding to a collection or developing a new collection contact us at digital-library@bethel.edu.

To convert a single or small group of items consult:

Metadata development

The information or data about your digital files is called metadata. Metadata is attached to digital files for description and organization in order to better find and use them later. A well-considered metadata plan will help you better find and manage your data and information.


Items in the digital library are stored permanently and are backed up to protect them from degradation and loss.