Katie Friesen Smith

Job Title


Dr. Friesen Smith has 25+ years of experience in the local church, higher education and camping ministry. As a practical theologian, she seeks to create a bridge between Scripture and living out faith in a post-modern era. Her research interests are in spiritual formation, leadership and emotional intelligence. Along with teaching, she serves as the director of Bethel's Youth Theology Institute for high school students.

Started at Bethel



  • Bethel University - D.Min., 2008
  • Bethel Seminary - M.Div., 1995
  • University of Northwestern - B.S. Youth Ministry, Christian Education, Bible, 1990

Courses Taught

GS901 Thesis Proposal Foundations

GS902 Thesis Proposal Workshop

SP890 Spiritual Formation in a Post-Modern Era

Certificates and Licenses

Ordained Minister (Evangelical Covenant, 2008)

Prepare and Enrich Certification (2009)

Conflict Coaching Certification (Peacemakers Ministries, 2007)

Teaching specialty

Faith Development, Spiritual Formation, Leadership, Congregational Systems, Communication, Educational Ministry, Women in Ministry, Team Development, Spiritual Direction, Ministry Research