Kenneth Petersen

Job Titles

  • Professor of Biological Sciences Emeritus
    Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
    Environmental Studies College of Arts and Sciences


Petersen's research interests include responses of wildlife populations and communities to habitat alterations.

Started at Bethel



  • Dordt College - B.A. in Biology, 1979
  • Iowa State University - M.S. in Wildlife Biology, 1982
  • Iowa State University - Ph.D. in Animal Ecology, 1986

Courses Taught

Environment and Humanity

Sustainable Living

Seminar in Environmental Studies


Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Aquatic Biology

Wildlife Ecology and Management


Petersen, K. L., S. Hogg, and J. V. Englund.  2020.  Nest-site selection and productivity in a restored population of Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in the Minneapolis-St. Paul (USA) area.  Journal of Raptor Research 54:245-254.

Petersen, K. L., and A. S. Westmark.  2013.  Bird use of wetlands in a midwestern metropolitan area in relation to adjacent land cover.  American Midland Naturalist 169:221-228.

Petersen, K. L.  2003.  The educational imperative of creation care.  Christian Scholar’s Review 32:433-454.

Petersen, K. L., and L. B. Best.   1999.  Design and duration of perturbation experiments: implications for data interpretation.  Studies in Avian Biology 19:230-236.

Petersen, K. L., and L. B. Best.  1987.  Effects of prescribed burning on nongame birds in a sagebrush community.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 15:317‑329.

Petersen, K. L., and L. B. Best.  1987.  Territory dynamics in a sage sparrow population: are shifts in site use adaptive? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 21:351‑358.


2018.  Population change, nest-site selection, and nesting success in a restored population of Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, 1986-2016.  Kenneth L. Petersen, Steven Hogg, and Judy Voigt Englund.  78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

2011.  Land cover relationships with wetland bird community metrics in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area.  Amy S. Westmark and Kenneth L. Petersen.  72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.

2007.  Factors related to autumn bird species richness in suburban wetlands.  Peter C. Johnson and Kenneth L. Petersen.  Minnesota chapter of The Wildlife Society, Alexandria, Minnesota.

2003.  The use of Christian, biblical themes to direct and motivate environmental education.  Kenneth L. Petersen.  Midwest Environmental Education Conference, Rosemount, Minnesota.

1995.  Design and duration of perturbation experiments: implications for data interpretation.  Kenneth L. Petersen and Louis B. Best.  International Conference on Ecology and Conservation of Grassland Birds, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

1991.  Mapping bird territories using the flush technique: the potential for bias and misinterpretation.  Kenneth L. Petersen and Louis B. Best.  Joint meeting of the Cooper and Wilson ornithological societies, Norman, Oklahoma.

1990.  Ecological correlates of reproductive success in three shrubsteppe passerines.  Kenneth L. Petersen and Louis B. Best.  Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Los Angeles, California.

1989.  Factors related to nesting success in sagebrush passerines: is nest‑site selection adaptive?  Kenneth L. Petersen and Louis B. Best.  Annual meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society, Notre Dame, Indiana.

1987.  Territory dynamics in a sparrow population: are shifts in site use adaptive?  Kenneth L. Petersen and Louis B. Best. Annual meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, San Francisco, California.

Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards

Ecological Society of America

The Wildlife Society

Hobbies and Interests

Photography; hiking; bird-watching

Research interests

Petersen's primary research interests focus on responses of wildlife populations and communities to habitat alterations.