Lauren Van Gomple

Job Title


As a Bethel Alumna, Professor Van Gomple is proud to contribute to the valuable learning that takes place at Bethel. After many years in the special education classroom, she brings her experience and expertise to her role as a teacher educator! Personal areas of expertise include social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, evidence-based intervention, literacy, assessment, and instructional design.

Started at Bethel



  • Northwestern College - B.S. in Christian Ministry, 2005
  • Bethel University - M.A. in Special Education, 2016
  • University of Minnesota - M.S. in Educational Science, 2021

Courses Taught

Norm-Referenced Assessment

Student Teaching Supervision

Elementary Literacy Field Experience

Educational Psychology

Introduction to Academic Instruction and Behavior Management for Exceptional Learners


Onseti M., Farnsworth E., Van Gomple, L. (2020, February).
Effective Interventions for Promoting Math in Preschool: A Systematic Review. Poster accepted for presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.

Unpublished, (2016)
Does Yoga Calm increase student Self Regulation?
Conducted a single case design study examining student engagement for special education students in a small group setting when taught self-regulation strategies that aided the students in maintaining focus and self- management strategies taught by packaged program Yoga Calm. Results were presented as a professional development opportunity in at Valley Crossing Community School, spring 2016.

Certificates and Licenses

Specific Learning Disabilities

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Orton Gillinham

Leveled Literacy

Number Sense

Responsive Classroom

Yoga Calm

Cutural and Linguistic Responsiveness training

Teacher's College

Professional Crisis Management training

Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards

-National Association of School Psychologists

-American Psychological Association


-Amnesty International

Hobbies and Interests

Spending time with family


volunteer work


Meditation and calming strategies


"Every moment is a fresh beginning." -T.S. Elliot