Job Title
Professor of History Emerita
History, Philosophy, and Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of History Emerita
Started at Bethel
- Bethel College - B.A. in History and Political Science, 1988
- University of Minnesota - M.A. in History, 1992
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in History, 1995
Courses Taught
- American Beginnings
- The American Civil War
- American Civilization
- American Constitutional History
- History of Women in America
- Introduction to Geography
- Introduction to History
- A New Nation
- Modern America
"Census Technology, Politics, and Institutional Change, 1790-2020." Journal of American History (with Steven Ruggles), June 2020. Named Best of History 2020.
"Quantification in History: Journal of Interdisciplinary History as a Case Study." (with Steven Ruggles), Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Winter 2020.
"Creating Dynamic Undergraduate Learning Laboratories Through Collaboration Between Archives, Libraries, and Digital Humanities." (with Kent Gerber and Charles Goldberg), The Journal of Interactive Technology
Pedagogy, 2019.
"Differential Privacy and Census Data: Implications for Social and Economic Research," (with Steven Ruggles, Catherine Fitch and Jonathan Schroeder), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2019.
"Capturing the American People: Census Technology and Institutional Change, 1790-2020," (with Steven Ruggles), Minnesota Population Center Working Paper Series #2018-2, 2018.
Minnesota Digital Library, contributed archival content and metadata, 2018.
"Evaluating the Accuracy of Linked U.S. Census Data: A Household Linking Approach," (with Ronald Goeken, Yu Na Lee and Tom Lynch), Minnesota Population Center Working Papers Series #2017-1, 2017.
Minnesota Digital Library, contributed archival content and metadata, 2017.
“Challenge and Promise: History of Bethel Seminary, 2009-2012,” chapter in A Time of Transformation: Bethel Seminary, 1982-2012, edited by James Spickelmier and Carole Spickelmier. Bethel University, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2013.
“The 1880 Census,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“The 1890 Census,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“The 1900 Census,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“The 1910 Census,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“The 1920 Census,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“The 1930 Census,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“Pre-Computer Tabulation Systems,” Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.) Congressional Quarterly, 2012 (2/e).
“Bethel College and Seminary on the Move,” (with G. William Carlson) chapter in Five Decades of Growth and Change, edited by James Spickelmier and Carole Spickelmier. The History Center: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2010.
“Swedish Baptist Women in America, 1850-1914: the ‘High Calling’ of Serving Christ in the Life of the Church,” The Baptist Pietist Clarion, 2009.
Minnesota Digital Library, contributed 60 digital images and metadata, 2008.
“A Victorian Feminist Christian: Josephine Butler, The Prostitutes and God,” book review in Religious Studies Review, 2006.
"Who Counts? The Politics of Census-Taking in Contemporary America: A Review Essay," Historical Methods, 2002.
"The 1880 Census," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000.
"The 1890 Census," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000.
"The 1900 Census," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000.
"The 1910 Census," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000.
"The 1920 Census," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000.
"The 1930 Census," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000.
"Pre-Computer Tabulation Systems," Encyclopedia of the Census (Margo J. Anderson, ed.), Congressional Quarterly, 2000
Persevere, Läsare, and Clarion, (with G. William Carlson), Bethel College and Seminary, 1997.
"Celebrating the Service of an Extraordinary Bibliophile," The Standard, 1997.
"Who and What Determined the Content of the U.S. Population Schedule Over Time," Historical Methods, 1995.
"Comparability of the Public Use Microdata Samples: Enumeration Procedures," (with Miriam L. King), Historical Methods, 1995.
"Historical and Current Perspectives on Undercounts in 19th Century Census Data," (with Miriam L. King), Social Science History Journal, 1995.
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Preliminary Version 1, (with Steven Ruggles and Matthew Sobek), Social Research Laboratory, 1993.
"A Procedural History of the Enumeration Process in the 1880 U.S. Census," (with Miriam L. King), Appendix B, 1880 Public Use Sample, 1993.
1880 Public Use Microdata Sample, United States Census of Population, (with Steven Ruggles, et al) Social History Research Laboratory, 1993.
1850 Public Use Sample, Preliminary Version 1.0, (with Russell Menard, et al), Social History Research Laboratory, 1993.
"The Social Construction and Uses of the 1880 U.S. Census," (with Miriam L. King), American Statistical Association, 1991 Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section.
"'It's None of Their Damn Business': Privacy and Disclosure Control in the U.S. Census, 1790-2020," (with Steven Ruggles), Population Association of America Virtual Meeting, 22-25 April 2020. PAA Poster Award Winner.
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Census Historian, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota