Jeffrey Port

Job Titles
Professor of Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
Environmental Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Recent research topics include the use of restored prairies by grassland songbirds, small mammals and insects, and reproductive biology and natural history of Ecuadorian cloudforest songbirds. Dr. Port also is a federally licensed master bird bander and operates a MAPS ( station in cooperation with Anoka County in the Rum River Central Park during the summer months.
Started at Bethel
- Bethel College - B.S. in Biology, 1990
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, 1998
Courses Taught
Dr. Port teaches a variety of courses within the Biology and Environmental Studies programs including Ecology, Animal Behavior, Introduction to Organismic Biology, and a non-major introductory ornithology course. He also has led an interim study abroad course to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands since 2003 and will be leading a course to Kenya during interim 2017. Dr. Port has also taught the junior and senior seminar courses along with Environment and Humanity, the introductory course to the Environmental Science majors.
Port, J., F. Khang, J. Simbaña, and H. F. Greeney. 2021. Observations on the parental care of the Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster). Accepted Ornitologia Neotropical, in revision.
Peña, Lina, J. Blair,J. Port, H.F. Greeney and G. Londoño. 2020. Nesting Ecology of the Saffron-crowned Tanager (Tangara xanthocephala venusta) in the Colombian west and east of Ecuador. In preparation
Voth, F., J. Port and H.F. Greeney. 2020. Observations on the Parental Care of the Yellow–bellied Elaenia (Elaenia flavogaster subpagana). Revista Ecuatoriana de Ornitología 6:55–61.
Blomberg, C, H.F. Greeney, and J. Port. 2020. Observations on the parental care of the Maroon-chested Ground-dove (Claravis mondetoura) in southeastern Ecuador. Ornitologia Neotropical 31:57-63.
Port, J., C. Crawford, B. Campbell, R. Larson, P. Lin-Celeste, and M. Walton. 2019. Colonization and Use of Four Grassland Reconstruction Types by Small Mammal Species. Ecological Restoration 37:256-262.
Greeney, H, J. Port, and C. Van Riper III. 2019. Observations on the range and nesting biology of the Mexican endemic Rufous-caped Brush-finch (Atlapetes pileatus pileatus). Ornitologia Neotropical 30:197-203.
Wright, Z. J. Port, and H. Greeney. 2017. Male and Female Parental Care in Golden-rumped Euphonia (Euphonia cyanocephala). Revista Ornitologia Colombiana 16: eNB07
Johnson, A., J. Port, and H. Greeney. 2017. Observations on nesting behavior of the Rusty-winged Barbtail (Premnornis guttuliger). Ornitologia Neotropical 28:269-275.
Port, J., and S. Schottler. 2017. The Effect of Floristic Composition on Bird Communities in a Set of Four Grassland Reconstruction Types. Ecological Restoration 35:112-119.
DeGolier, Teresa, Jeff Port, and Shawn Schottler. 2015. Small mammal habitat preferences in a patchwork of adjacent reconstructed grasslands subject to semiannual burns. Ecological Restoration 33(4):388-394.
Port, J., and H.F. Greeney. 2015. The Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens): male and female parental effort during the nestling period. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:87-91.
Wetherell E., H.F. Greeney, and J. Port. 2015. Breeding biology of the Speckled Hummingbird (Adelomyia melanogenys) in eastern Ecuador. Cotinga 37:43-46.
Dyrcz, A., J. Port , R. Mikusek, and H. Greeney. 2015. Observations on parental care of the Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush Catharus fuscater in eastern Ecuador. Ornitologia Neotropical 26:117-123.
Greeney, H., A. Dyrcz, R. Mikusek, and J. Port. 2015. Cooperative breeding at a nest of Slaty- backed Nightingale-Thrush Catharus fuscater. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:326-328.
Port, J., H. F. Greeney, and E. Boyd. 2014. The Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens); observations on the parental care behavior of a montane Neotropical furnariid. Neotropical Ornithology 25:159-167.
Port, J., and H. Greeney. 2012. Comparison of three microsatellite primer pairs for molecular sexing in a monomorphic tropical furnariid, the Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens). Boletin SAO 21:1-6.
Greeney, H, and J. Port. 2010. A nest of Brown Nunlet (Nonnula brunnea) and observations on the nesting of other Ecuadorian Puffbirds. Ornitología Colombiana 9:31-37.
Schottler, S.P., J. Port and T. DeGolier. 2008. Influence of floristic diversity on pheasant and songbird nesting preferences in a suite of adjacent reconstructed grasslands. Ecological Restoration 26:195–198.
Schottler, S., J. Port, and T. DeGolier. 2008. An efficient method for quickly surveying pheasant nesting site preferences. Ecological Restoration 26:198-200.
Brewer, G. and J. Port. 2005. Speckled Teal. Bird Families of the World: Ducks, Geese, and Swans. Janet Kear, (ed.). v. 2. Pp. 613-615. Oxford University Press.
Greeney, H, J. Port, and F. Werner. 2004. First description of the nest of the Barred Puffbird (Nystalus radiatus) from northwestern Ecuador. Neotropical Ornithology 15:285-288.
Port, J. 2005. Brazilian Teal. Bird Families of the World: Ducks, Geese, and Swans. Janet Kear, (ed.). v. 2. Pp .479-481. Oxford University Press.
Port, J. and G. Brewer. 2004. Use of Monk Parakeet nests by Speckled Teal (Anas flavirostris flavirostris) in eastern Argentina. Neotropical Ornithogy 15:209-218.
Port, J. and F. McKinney. 2001. Behavioral adaptations for breeding in arboreal-nesting Speckled Teal. Wilson Bulletin 113:177-188.
Port, J. 2000. Alloparental care of ducklings by unrelated male Speckled Teal (Anas flavirostris) in eastern Argentina. Wildfowl 51: 103-108.
Port, J. 1998. Long-term pair bonds and male parental care in Speckled Teal (Anas flavirostris) in eastern Argentina. Wildfowl 49:139-149.
Research interests
Recent research topics include the use of restored prairies by grassland songbirds, small mammals and insects, and reproductive biology and natural history of Ecuadorian cloudforest songbirds. Dr. Port also is a federally licensed master bird bander and operates a MAPS ( station in cooperation with Anoka County in the Rum River Central Park during the summer months.