Teresa Emenecker, MSN, RN

Job Title


Teri has over 16 years of experience working as a staff RN on mother/baby units. Additional experience as a Family Nurse Practitioner in a pediatric urgent care and pediatric neurology setting. Her interests include clinical, skills, and using simulation in nursing education.

Started at Bethel



  • Arizona State University - B.S.N. in Nursing, 2000
  • Grand Canyon University - M.S.N. in Nursing, 2015


Teresa (Teri) Emenecker came to Bethel in 2023. She has taught clincal courses in a variety of subjects including mental health, maternity, pediatrics, and fundamentals, as well as skills courses.

Certificates and Licenses

Registered Nurse, Minnesota (RN)

Registered Nurse, Arizona (RN)


Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards

Sigma Theta Tau

Teaching specialty

Maternity, Pediatrics, Mental Health, Fundamentals, and Skills