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Certificate in Church Leadership

Students enrolled in the School of Church Leadership through Converge Worldwide take a series of 6 courses to earn their Certificate in Church Leadership. Students also have the option to audit courses. Those who choose to audit will not be eligible to apply their credits towards a master’s program.

All certificate courses are delivered face-to-face at one of our SCL regional facilities.

Please note that course titles may differ on transcripts due to the desire to customize courses specifically to the needs of church leaders. Course numbers will stay the same.


The School of Church Leadership certificate program is a series of 6 courses.

Church Leadership and Management (ORGL667)

With an emphasis on Leading within a Church setting, this course focuses on leadership that takes place between and within organizations. Explores how leaders can develop networks for shared planning and action. Equips leaders to see technology and connectivity as a platform for collaboration and developing and pursuing shared goals. Skills required of leaders in planning and managing organizational learning and global information flow, in terms of alliances, networks, and partnerships.

Leadership Development and Spiritual Formation (ORGL645)

With an emphasis on spiritual formation, this course focuses on the importance of personal formation, along with the responsibility to help others grow, and to pass on the mantle of leadership.

Worldview and Apologetics (PHIL625)

Biblical, historical, and contemporary models of leadership that explore how one’s personal spirituality and vision of the world affect one’s leadership; the biblical and theological foundations of leadership; and the nature of the ethical issues relating to personal integrity and leadership.

Transformational Leaders and Followers (ORGL620)

Includes a overview of the traditional views and attitude toward follower, an analysis of different models and styles of followership, and the characteristics of “good” followers.  Analysis of the relationship between leaders and followers and the impact of leadership style on follower style. Exploration of concepts of bad leadership, courageous followership and transformational leadership.

Biblical Conflict Management (ORGL655)

Helping church leaders transition from "dealing with incidents" to leading teams to learn from conflict. Developing personal and professional boundaries when dealing with complex organizational environments. Thinking productively about conflict from organizational, developmental, and spiritual standpoints.

Cultural Intelligence and Ministry Perspective (SOCS640)

Gender, ethnic, and age differences in leadership and organizational/church relationships. Historical and comparative perspectives on leadership and community dynamics. Identify, reflect, and strategize on factors and issues involved in implementing the principles of cultural diversity; examine some of the major social changes taking place in the American society, and the impact on human resource management strategies and policies. Reflect on strategies and means of building understanding and cooperation across cultural boundaries within an organization and between an organization and its immediate community.

Program Faculty

The certificate program is taught by practitioner scholars who understand the field of leadership, as well as the complexities, challenges, and opportunities of serving within a ministry setting.

Instructors are vetted by both Bethel University and Converge Worldwide, and most of the course instructors are pastors, leaders, or scholars within the denomination.

How to Apply

Contact Teresa Colson at Converge Worldwide for application details.


Mailing address:
Teresa Colson, SCL Registrar
Mail Code 200
11002 Lake Hart Drive
Orlando, FL 32832

All interested students must be approved by the denomination.