Student Success
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Student Success Academic & Support Services Single Parent Support
Dinner and Dialogue: Amy Blaz | May 16, 2019
Kids, church, school, work, self-care, housework. How do you do it all without going crazy? You don't! At least Amy didn't. She focused on her goal and found balance - even if it meant sticking the dirty dishes in the oven or under the sink when needed! Amy Blaz (Chief Financial Officer, Bethel University) shares about how she chose sanity while getting her MBA as a single parent.
Dinner and Dialogue: Dave Broza | March 5, 2019
Knowing how to seek a job that fits a person's skill set, credentials, and passions is a challenge. On March 5, Dave Broza, Director of Bethel's Office of Career Development and Calling, presented efficient and professional strategies and suggestions for networking, designing a LinkedIn page, and utilizing electronic job search sites. Rather than a podcast, below are a series of Dave's short videos, designed to aid Bethel students in locating and obtaining a job.
- "Verifying Your Vocational Call Through O*Net Online"
- "Expanding Your Job Search in a New Way"
- "Informational Interviews: A Smart Way to Network"
- "How Do You Uncover the Hidden Job Market?"
- "Behavior-Based Philosophy"
Dinner and Celebration: Laurel Bunker | January 22, 2019