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Mailing Services

Books and journal articles may be mailed to qualifying students, faculty, and staff. Check below to find whether you qualify and find out how to receive library materials.

Who Qualifies?

The following qualify for mailing services regardless of where they live:

  • College of Adult and Professional Studies students
  • Graduate School students
  • Seminary students
  • Current Bethel faculty and staff

Getting Journal Articles

You may request all articles that are not available online, regardless of whether they are housed at the Bethel Library or elsewhere, using LibSearch. Links to article PDFs will be sent via email.

Getting Books

Sign in to LibSearch to make a request.
  1. Request a book.
  2. Select "Home Delivery" as the pickup option.
  3. Include your mailing address in the Note field.
  4. Click Send to submit the request.
Books will be mailed to your address free of charge. You will have to pay for return shipping. Intructions for returning material by mail will be included in the package. You may also drop off material at Bethel University Library or the white library return box located outside the Anderson Center (2 Pine Tree Drive, Arden Hills).

Find out more information regarding how to request library materials.