Do you need help with writing or math? The specialists at Bethel's CAPS, Seminary and Graduate School Academic Resource Center will help build your skills so you're prepared to succeed in your academic work and professional life.

Help with math

If you would like help with math-related courses, please contact our math specialist, Caleb Vollhaber to arrange a time that works for both of you.

Help with writing

Hourly writing sessions are available by appointment only. 

Winter/spring 2025 schedule

Date and time Specialist


7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

1-8 p.m.

6-10 p.m.


Sue Howell

Lisa Bekemeyer

Sandra Oslund (Turabian Only)


7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Sue Howell


10 a.m.-8 p.m.


Lisa Bekemeyer 


1-3 p.m.

4:30-9:30 p.m


Drew McLaughlin

Kyle Lemberg 

Note: All appointments are with APA specialists, unless indicated otherwise. Also, Lisa and Drew have received special training in working with English Learners (ELs), although they work with all students.

How to make an appointment

1. Schedule your writing session 

All appointments are scheduled as email sessions, meaning you do not need to be available during your appointment time. See scheduling help if you prefer to schedule a Zoom appointment.

Schedule Writing/APA session Schedule Turabian session

2. Email your paper

This must happen at least one hour before your appointment—several hours or the preceding day is preferable.

Email and include the following:

  • A copy of your paper in Word or Google doc format (no PDF)
  • Date and time of your appointment
  • Your professor’s first and last name
  • Your course title and course number
  • Your academic program/major
  • Assignment details to help the specialist better understand the paper—the specialist will review your paper and send it back to you with comments and edits later that same day

Scheduling help

In Google Calendar, select an available time slot. You must be logged into your Bethel email. If there is no available time slot on the week you are currently viewing, use the left and right arrows or the monthly calendar to navigate to later weeks.

If you would like to meet with an ARC tutor via Zoom, sign up for a session in the same manner, but indicate the preference for Zoom when you email your paper. Your tutor will then send you a meeting link at least 10 minutes before your appointment.

If you have trouble scheduling your appointment, email

Frequently asked questions

What kind of training does the specialist have?

Our writing specialists are exceptional writers with graduate degrees in writing-related subjects. Most of them have additional experience in writing-related professions such as teaching. All of them are proficient in working with English Learners (ELs).

Can I work with the same specialist over time?

Yes. For the most part, each specialist works the same shifts each week.  

How long are sessions?

Our writing help sessions are 50 minutes long, and we welcome you to schedule a session once per week. Many students work with a specialist at the Academic Resource Center several times each month or even on a weekly basis.

If you are working on a thesis or capstone paper (that is 50 pages or more) you may make two, back-to-back appointments, once per week. This will allow the specialist to have more time to review your paper.

What kinds of help does a writing specialist offer?

The writing specialist can assist you at any stage of your paper, whether you are seeking assistance outlining, writing a thesis, developing paragraphs, implementing APA or Turabian style documentation, formatting, or revising. They can also assist with grammar, punctuation and mechanics.

Our specialist will work with you on the mechanics of APA (for CAPS and GS students) or Turabian style (for Seminary students). Please be sure to sign up for appointments specifically with the Turabian specialist if you desire assistance with Turabian style.

How much does this cost?

Because you are enrolled in a Bethel University graduate or adult program or a Bethel Seminary program, assistance with writing, is free. We are able to help you for one 50-minute session per week. Many students visit us every week, and we look forward to getting to know you.

I would like to hire someone to work with me for longer periods of time. Can Bethel suggest anyone?

Some students want more assistance with a trained writing specialist than the one, 50-minute free session available from the Academic Resource Center. The ARC maintains a list of writing specialists who do editing and proofing as independent contractors (for an hourly rate) for CAPS and GS students. Email the ARC if this interests you and we will try to help you find a private tutor.

What if I can't make it to my scheduled appointment?

Our specialists are in high demand. If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so 24 hours in advance by going into your Google Calendar and deleting the appointment so we can open the slot for other students.  If you miss two appointments and do not cancel them in advance, we reserve the right to refuse you future sessions with our specialists.

Contact us

General questions:

Director: Lisa Bekemeyer