☰ In This Section

Equipment and Technology

Video cameras, speakers, adapters, phone charging cables and much more is available for check out to University and Seminary students at the University Library. See our complete list of available technology to check out or reserve equipment online.

Computer Labs

We have the largest lab on campus with both Mac and Windows computers with the following software:

  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Publisher)
  • SPSS
  • FitnessGram 


The following computers are located in the university library Makerspace, are available to any Bethel community member, and can be reserved online:

Video Editing

  • iMovie
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Premiere Pro

Audio Editing

  • Garageband
  • Audacity

Graphic & Web Design

  • Photoshop
  • InDesign
  • Illustrator
  • Acrobat Pro
  • Dreamweaver


  • Students have 500 pages per year
  • Each library has a black and white printer
  • A color printer is located in the university library

How to install the printers on your laptop


Photocopiers are located in each library and cost $.10 per page.