COVID-19 FAQs for Event Owners
Conference and Event Services
COVID-19 FAQs for Event Owners
Can we have a registration or check-in table?
All rental events on campus are required to use online registration. This will ensure capacity is not exceeded and will also generate a list of attendees. Unregistered guests will not be admitted to campus. Event owners should discuss registration/ticketing options with their Bethel event specialist.
What food and beverage services are available?
Our on-site caterer is able to provide a variety of boxed meals, packaged snacks, and individual beverages.
Do my guests have to wear masks?
All Bethel employees and guests are required to wear a face covering while in public campus spaces.
When can I arrive for my event?
Event owners should discuss this with their Bethel event specialist.
How do my guests get on campus?
Guests must be registered in advance of your event. Guest lists must be submitted to your event specialist 24 hours before the first guests arrive. A security officer will greet all campus guests at our west checkpoint, where guests will be asked two COVID health screening questions.
How will the event space be cleaned?
Classrooms and conference rooms will be equipped with either disinfectant spray and paper towels or disinfectant wipes. Attendees are encouraged to clean their chair/desk/work area before use.
What happens if we need to postpone our event?
Notify your event specialist, who will advise you on available dates for rescheduling. Your deposit will be applied to next year, when applicable.
Can Bethel cancel my event?
Conference and Event Services will make every effort to proceed with your event as scheduled. If your event is no longer deemed safe to host on campus, your event specialist will notify you and work with you to develop an appropriate course of action.
What else do I need to know? What if I have other questions?
Reference Our Promise and Yours for more information and connect with your Bethel event specialist.