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Cultural Intelligence

Interested in attending developing your cultural intelligence?

Here are some options for you:

First—An Introduction to Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

This is an asynchronous online, self-paced course. All employees who have not completed the CQ assessment nor attended a CQ workshop should start with this experience.

This course is available in Moodle to all staff and faculty employees.

During this online experience, you will be invited to take the CQ assessment. Please see your supervisor for funding information. If you have further questions on cost, please contact Christine Osgood.

Second—The CQ Team Experience

Departments or offices are encouraged to have all their members complete the Moodle course on their own. Then, a team can sign up for The CQ Team Experience.

During the CQ Team Experience, map your department's cultural values and solve a cultural challenge using the framework of CQ. Spend a morning away from your normal routine to learn a bit more about one another and explore how cultural intelligence skills and capabilities could help your group solve challenging issues. Please note that each individual must complete An Introduction to Cultural Intelligence course in Moodle before coming.

There is no cost for part two as long as all employees participating have completed part one. If you have further questions on cost, please contact Christine Osgood.

Third—CQ Toolkits

These toolkits are a strategic next step after the Moodle course and the team experience. The toolkits help one develop their CQ capabilities and think through how to apply CQ at work. Toolkits can be used by individuals or teams.

Download the toolkits

Register your team

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