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Please sign up using this google form: 2024 Edwin J. Omark Preaching Competition Registration. All registrations are due on Friday, January 12, 2024.

Sermon Preparation

Once you register, you will be emailed videos that will help you in biblical hermeneutics, apologetics in preaching, and speaking in culturally sensitive ways. While this is optional, we encourage you to use these faculty-given resources to help equip you in your sermon preparation.

Submit Your Sermon

Record and submit a link to your sermon by Friday, February 16, 2024. Read instructions on submitting your sermon outline and video. Sermons should address the theme listed on the Omark homepage and should not exceed 20 minutes.

Round One

Students will submit video sermons and corresponding outlines based on this year's theme. Sermons are judged by a panel of Seminary preaching faculty and experienced preaching pastors to select the top three finalists.

Round Two

The top three Seminary finalists will record another sermon video, with an updated sermon based on judges' comments from round one. You must preach in front of a live audience of at least 5-10 people (or more). It could be friends and family in your living room, or preaching in your ministry context, so long as judges know that there is an actual audience in front of you. We are looking for high quality audio over video (i.e. You could record yourself on your phone). The top three finalists will receive instructions on how to submit their final sermons.

Questions? Email seminary@bethel.edu.