Awarded before verification

If the data on your FAFSA was accurate, your financial aid package will not change. If, however, the verification process significantly changes the FAFSA results, there will be changes to your need-based financial aid.

Change in family situation

If your family has experienced a reduction in income or unusual financial challenges, you may complete an appeal form. Visit our special circumstances page for forms and information.


A student’s semester enrollment level (number of credits) may impact eligibility for federal, state, and institutional gift aid. If you plan to enroll in a less-than-full-time schedule or are considering dropping or withdrawing from a course during the fall or spring terms, we recommend reaching out to the Financial Aid Office to discuss how this may impact your semester’s aid eligibility. Additional details are available on our terms and conditions page.

Getting married

Students do not always receive a better financial aid package because they are married. To determine whether it’s best to complete your FAFSA before or after marriage, schedule an appointment with a Bethel financial aid counselor.

Private scholarships

Private scholarships are aid you don't' have to repay. The gift aid Bethel provides will only be reduced if your total gift aid exceeds your cost of attendance. Loan eligibility will be reduced if necessary to keep your total financial aid package within federal limits.

Studying abroad

Institutional grants and scholarships will not be offered to students studying abroad. Students may still receive their federal and state aid while studying abroad.