2011 Seminary Alumnus of the Year

The Bethel Seminary Alumni Council (SAC) unanimously recommended Rev. David Pound as 2011 Bethel Seminary Alumnus of the Year. He is a 1970 graduate of Bethel College and a 1974 graduate of the Seminary.

Pound was the planting pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Mansfield, Ohio and has served as lead pastor there for more than 30 years. Under his capable leadership, the church has grown to more than 1,200 people including 2 additional church plants. Berean plays a significant role in the Mansfield community, upper Ohio, and the MidAtlantic district of Converge Worldwide. Pound and his wife Sher have served as leaders with various religious and community organizations.

Jerry Sheveland, president of Converge Worldwide, and Doug Fagerstrom, senior vice president of Converge and Bethel's 2009 Seminary Alumnus of the Year, joined in recommending Pound. They described his leadership, character, influence, and family life as outstanding, godly, loving, generous, faithful, and Christ-centered. Said Ralph Gustafson, Bethel's vice president for constituent relations, "Dave truly models the mission, vision, and values of Bethel Seminary."

Those who recommended Pound for the award said:

"Dave is well-respected in our community, our district, and the entire conference."

"Dave has been faithful and true with the Word of God throughout his ministry. His preaching is the foundation for his ministry."

"Dave lives out what he preaches. He is biblical, practical, and always interesting."

"Most of all, Dave is a very humble man not taking any credit for the churches' success."

Dave's son Benjamin graduated from the college (2006) and is a senior at the seminary in St. Paul.