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Math and Computer Science

Math and computer science is about more than algorithms. It’s about solving the problems of everyday life.

The Department of Math and Computer Science will provide you with in-demand skills in the mathematics and computer science arenas. You'll prepare to lead and serve God in ever-changing career fields, as computing technology and the use of mathematics continue to reinvent many areas of life.

Majors, Minors, and Programs

Actuarial Science and Finance Major
Computer Engineering Major
Computer Science Minor Minor
Computer Science (B.A.) Major
Computer Science (B.S.) Major
Math Education 5-12 Major
Mathematics Major Minor
Mathematics and Data Science (B.S.) Major
Software Engineering Major
Software Project Management Major

Upcoming Events

OCT 15 2024

STEM Employer Showcase 2024

6 p.m. Boardroom

A great chance for STEM students to network with employers in the STEM field!

Professional Preparedness with Integrity

As a member of the Department of Math and Computer Science, you'll prepare for the challenges and rewards of math and computer science careers. Theoretical and practical courses will teach you how to use mathematics as a daily tool and paradigm for thought. Our graduates are known for their preparedness and integrity—in fact, employers have told us that our graduates enter their careers with the skill level of those who've worked in the field for two years. If you're interested in teaching in high schools, our B.A. in Mathematics with Secondary Licensure is a full math major with licensure added so that you're prepared more completely and have more career options, including teaching advanced placement courses. 


best data science school in Minnesota



full-time faculty in the department

Program Highlights

High job placement rates

Our graduates enjoy very high job placement rates soon after commencement in a variety of fields. Employers look for Bethel alumni!

Research opportunities

You'll collaborate with faculty on funded research projects in growing fields like actuarial science, operations research, differential equations, high performance computing, and computability and complexity. 

Top test scores

Our students score in the top 10% on nationally normed tests for math and computer science and on exams to license middle- and high-school math teachers.

Strong team rankings

Bethel teams competing in the international Contest in Mathematical Modeling (COMAP MCM) have ranked in the top 10 with a ranking of "Outstanding Winner" five times since 2001.

Preparation for graduate work

Alumni who go on to pursue advanced degrees report being well-prepared for the rigors of graduate school.

Student activities and study abroad

Participate in student organizations like Sigma Zeta and the student chapter of the Mathematics Association of America. Math education majors can also choose from a wide range of study abroad options.

Work experience and service learning

You'll get out of the classroom to serve as a peer tutor, student grader, or student worker in Bethel's Office of Information Technology. You can also participate in Bethel-sponsored service learning programs, including tutoring K-12 students.

What can I do with a math or computer science degree?

As a math and computer science student, you'll prepare for graduate programs and professional careers in a number of fields ranging from actuarial science to software engineering.


Our math graduates are:

  • Actuaries
  • Web designers
  • University professors
  • Cryptologists
  • Software engineers
  • Middle or high school teachers
  • Operations research analysts
  • Systems administrators
  • Statisticians
  • Computer forensics specialists
  • Financial analysts
  • Missions
  • Coaches
  • Administrators

Our computer science graduates are:

  • Web designers
  • Systems administrators
  • Computer forensics analysts
  • University professors
  • Statisticians
  • Cryptologists
  • Software engineers
  • Financial analysts

Graduate Schools

Our alumni attend:

  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Notre Dame
  • University of Oklahoma
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • University of Michigan
  • University of North Colorado
  • University of Arizona
  • Bethel University
  • St. Mary’s University
  • University of California, Riverside

Graduate Fields

Our alumni study:

  • Actuarial science
  • High energy physics
  • Transportation engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • Computer graphics
  • Mathematics education
  • Biostatistics
  • Industrial and operations engineering
  • Industrial and systems engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • Applied statistics and research methods
  • Educational leadership
  • Educational policy and administration
  • High energy physics