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Undergrad Undergrad Tuition & Financial Aid Types of Aid Military Benefits
Tuition & Financial Aid
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- Who is considered Active Duty?
- How do I know what benefits I qualify for?
- How do I apply for benefits?
- Where do I submit paperwork related to my benefits?
- Are there additional requirements I need to complete to process my benefits?
- How does my parent/spouse transfer benefits to me?
- I am a transfer student and receiving VA benefits. How do I transfer my benefits to Bethel?
- Can I receive more than one benefit at a time?
- Will I receive a housing allowance?
- What classes will my benefits cover?
- How much will I receive in benefits?
- I qualify for State Tuition Reimbursement (STR). Do I have to apply for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA?)?
- I have a balance on my account. Will my student account be assessed late fees?
- Who should I contact if I have additional questions about my benefits?
Who is considered Active Duty?
A student who is active duty is in the military full time and can be deployed at any time. Students in the Reserve or National Guard are not full time active duty military personnel although they can be deployed at any time should the need arise.
How do I know what benefits I qualify for?
Eligibility for most benefits requires a minimum length of military service. Please review the eligibility requirements for each benefit to see if you qualiy.
The MN Department of Veterans Affairs is a great resource. Bethel's Regional Coordinator is Charles Egerstrom: (651)336-2371.
For more information regarding which VA benefit applies to you, please contact the Department of Veterans Affairs, 1-888-442-4551 (for Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment contact 1-800-827-1000). You can also visit their website.
College of Adults & Professional Studies
How do I apply for benefits?
Students interested in using VA benefits should apply through VA/ If someone is transferring benefits to you, be sure your sponsor has completed the transfer process through milConnect.
Students interested in applying for Minnesota State Tuition Reimbursement (STR) should apply through their unit.
Students interested in applying for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) should apply through their respective branch. Be sure your application is complete and approved prior to the start of your class.
Students interested in the MN GI Bill® should apply through the MN Office of Higher Education. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at
Students interested in applying for an ROTC scholarship should apply through their respective school:
Where do I submit paperwork related to my benefits?
Please submit all paperwork to the Office of Financial Aid:
Bethel University - Office of Financial Aid
3900 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, MN 55112
Send your forms securely with our Secure Document Upload Tool. Please do not attach your confidential forms to an email.
You may also fax your forms: 651-635-1491
Are there additional requirements I need to complete to process my benefits?
All students must fill out the Bethel Military Benefits Verification Form before we can review and certify their financial aid file for benefits.
How does my parent/spouse transfer benefits to me?
Submit a Transfer of Entitlement request through milConnect before applying for benefits. The student then applies for benefits as if they were the veteran through
I am a transfer student and receiving VA benefits. How do I transfer my benefits to Bethel?
You will need to submit a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (VA Form 22-1995) through If you are receiving the Fry Scholarship or DEA (Chapter 35), please submit a Dependents' Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (VA Form 22-5495) through
Can I receive more than one benefit at a time?
Yes, students can receive more than one benefit at a time depending on their eligibility. For more information about possible benefits, please visit the MN Department of Veterans Affairs.
Will I receive a housing allowance?
Students receiving VA Chapter 33 will receive a monthly housing allowance based on Bethel's zip code (55112). The amount you receive depends on length of time served and Rate of Pursuit. Students must be greater than half time (50%) to qualify for a housing allowance.
What classes will my benefits cover?
The VA will pay for classes that are required for your degree program. If you have already satisfied a requirement, the VA will not cover your requested class. Whether you are a student in CAS, CAPS/GS or Seminary and you you have specific questions about the classes you are taking, please contact your School Certifying Offical (SCO):Shema Echano 651-638-6241.
How much will I receive in benefits?
The type of benefit you are eligible for determines the amount you will receive.
If you qualify for VA benefits, please visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to view the current rates.
If you qualify for Federal Tuition Assistance, the amount you will receive is $250 per credit. Each branch has their own criteria for the annual amount they will pay and may limit the number of credit hours you can take.
If you qualify for the MN State Tuition Reimbursement, the reimbursement rate is equal to the cost per credit of the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Undergraduates can receive a maximum yearly benefit of $17,000 per fiscal year and Graduate stduetns can receive a maximum yearly benefit of $36,000 per fiscal year. The fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.
I qualify for State Tuition Reimbursement (STR). Do I have to apply for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA)?
At this moment, Soldiers who qualify for FTA must apply for FTA in order to utilize STR. If you qualify for FTA and do not apply, you will not qualify for STR for that semester. Bethel will not make up lost funds. For questions or help applying for FTA, call the National Guard Education Office, 651.282.4589.
I have a balance on my account. Will my student account be assessed late fees?
Students must pay any outstanding charges not covered by their benefit to be in good standing. If you have a balance after your portion is paid, you will not incur late fees.
Who should I contact if I have additional questions about my benefits?
The Office of Financial Aid is here to assist you with any questions you have. To speak with your financial aid counselor, call 651.638.6241.