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Mid-year Strengths Conversation

Now that most of our staff employees have attended a Strengths Discovery Session, we want to offer you an engaging opportunity to apply what you’ve learned through a conversation with your supervisor. We’ve developed a mid-year Strengths conversation form that will guide your conversation and integrate your Top 5 Themes. The mid-year Strengths conversation tool is located on the human resources website
While the mid-year Strengths form and conversation are optional, we hope you view them as part of an ongoing conversation between employees and supervisors. The spring 2016 annual performance review process centered around having a conversation, and a fundamental principal is that the conversation should be ongoing. 
The opportunity to have an ongoing conversation links directly to the first two goals the Strengths-based Culture Working team identified as the desired outcome of this initiative:
1) Staff employees are equipped to understand and given opportunities to use their Strengths.
2) Supervisors develop and lead their team from a Strengths perspective.
If you have any questions about the process or conversation, please reach out to your HR partner.
Sarah Sauerbry
Associate Director of Human Resources