If you have a passion for planting a church, perhaps you’ve completed Cultivate. Cultivate is the church planting training experience offered by Gateway Leaders. 

As a Gateway Leaders partner, we want to express our support for you by offering you a head start on a premier leadership development master's degree. We know you're committed to a missional life. So we invite you to take your next step in preparing for a lifetime of kingdom service by earning a M.A. in Ministry.

And because we designed the M.A. in Ministry in multiple locations—face-to-face in St. Paul and online in a hybrid format—we can offer you a way to pursue your seminary degree right where you are.

Gateway Leaders

Earn Seminary Credit for Training

Put your learning at Cultivate to work at Bethel Seminary. Bethel will give you 9 credits toward a 51 credit M.A. in Ministry. All you need to do is request an official transcript from Gateway Leaders after you complete Cultivate.

Partnership Credits and Costs

Master of Arts in Ministry 

  • 42 credits plus 9 credits for Cultivate 
  • Total Cost: $20,916

Financial Aid is available

Apply Your Credits to a Bethel Seminary Degree

Your M.A. in Ministry program will include the following areas of study:

  • Bible—12 credits
  • Theology and History—12 credits
  • Ministry Leadership—9 credits
  • Spiritual formation and Integration—6 credits
  • Formation or Leadership elective—3 credits
  • Cultivate—9 credits

Total: 51 credits

How to Apply Your Credits

Ask Gateway Leaders to send us an official transcript indicating you have completed Cultivate. Send us your official transcripts from each school you have attended. Please send transcripts to: 

Bethel Seminary
MSC 2371
3900 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, MN 55112-6999

Apply online to Bethel Seminary today.


Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.