Financial Aid Overview 2023-2024

Seminary students—here's what you need to know:

Apply for Admission

If you still need to apply for admission, talk to the admissions team or get started on your admissions application now!

Apply for Aid

Complete your 2023-2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We recommend that you use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool when completing your FAFSA to minimize the chance that your application is selected for verification. Be sure to include Bethel University (school code #002338) on the list of schools to receive your FAFSA information.

Enrolled in a Doctor of Ministry Program? Learn about the availability of aid for doctoral students.

After You're Offered Financial Aid

You should receive your offer via email with 2-3 weeks of submitting all required materials. You can also view your financial aid offer online through MyBethel [Checklist tab>Financial Aid Award Offer button>select the appropriate academic year from the dropdown list].

- Please pay close attention to this list of important dates to be aware of approaching deadlines.

- We plan to begin preparing 2023-2024 financial aid packages for Seminary students in April, 2023.


1. Estimate your school bill

By subtracting your offered aid from your estimated school bill, you can start planning for how you'll pay the remaining balance if there is one, with cash or loans. Your charges may vary by term depending on the number of credits you take.

2. Accept or Decline Your Loans

If you need to borrow loans, compare your options. This will help you find the best loan for you.

When you know which loan(s) you'd like to borrow, you will need to accept or decline your offered loans by accessing your financial aid offer through the Financial Aid Requirements channel in MyBethel: Click Financial Aid Award Offer>Select the appropriate academic year from the drop down list>Click the Accept Award Offer tab>Decide how much of your Direct Unsubsidized Loan or PLUS/Private Loan Eligibility you want to borrow for the full year, and follow the instructions>Click Submit Decision.

a) If you accept your Direct Unsubsidized Loan and you're a new Bethel borrower, you must complete both loan entrance counseling and a master promissory note (MPN). Be sure to select "Complete Master Promissory Note" and "Complete Entrance Counseling". You'll need to log in to complete entrance counseling and sign your MPN. Select Minnesota as the School State when completing these requirements.

b) If you accept the PLUS/Private Loan Eligibility this indicates to the Financial Aid Office that you will be applying for a PLUS or Private Loan. There is a separate application process for these loans.

3. Report Private Scholarships

Let us know about any private scholarships by accessing your financial aid offer through the Financial Aid Requirements channel in MyBethel. Once you're in your offer information, click the Resources/Additional Information tab and follow the instructions.

4. Notify Financial Aid of Changes in Enrollment Assumptions

Enrollment assumptions used to prepare your financial aid award are listed on the bottom of the financial aid offer letter. Please pay close attention to these assumptions as student loans are evenly  divided and disbursed according to the assumptions. Use the online update form to notify the financial aid office of changes in your anticipated enrollment.

5. Payment Options

Please see the information about payment options on the Business Office website for detailed information on payments.

6. Check Your Status

View the status of your documents and requirements through your financial aid checklist in MyBethel [checklist tab]. Items marked with a red flag need to be completed. Click on the link provided to complete an item.

7. Sign up for Proxy

While privacy laws prohibit us from sharing financial aid offer information with your parents, spouse, or other third party, we have provided a way for you to authorize others to view such information in your student account: proxy access.

Do you have an Estimated Offer?

Complete the verification process to get an updated offer.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please note our important dates and deadlines for the 2023-2024 school year.