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Here is a list of unique opportunities at select CPE sites. We update these opportunities as communicated to us by the sites that offer them. Have an open clinical pastoral position? Fill out this form  and we will add it to our site for Bethel students to apply.

Looking for a CPE site? Go to the ACPE website to search for site by state. 

Mayo Clinic Hospital (Rochester, MN)

We offer two opportunities within our ACPE accredited program:

Residency: September 2, 2025 – August 28, 2026

Summer Internship: June 2 - August 15, 2025

Applications are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis. All applications and supporting documentation must be received by March 31, 2025.  

In order to reflect both the organization Mayo Clinic strives to be and the patients we serve, Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences Clinical Pastoral Education encourages applications from students who belong to diverse communities and faith groups.

For more information or to apply:



Email cpeprogram@mayo.edu for more information. 

North Memorial Health Hospital (Robbinsdale, Minnesota)

North-Robbinsdale Hospital CPE programs offers part time seasonal internships, extended intersnhips, and residencies. For more information on the programs, cost, and how to apply, visit their website.  

If you are interested or have additional questions, please contact Kim Goodman at kim.goodman@northmemorial.com.

Sanford Health (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota)

Sanford Health is proud to offer ACPE-certified Clinical Pastoral Education to students across the Dakotas, Minnesota, and beyond! Clinical Pastoral Education is interfaith professional education for ministry. CPE brings theological students and ministers/practitioners of all faiths (pastors, priests, rabbis, imams, and others) into supervised encounters with suffering, isolated, and in crisis. The combination of hands-on ministry practice and process education in a group-learning context allows CPE students to grow in their understanding of their identity and authority as ministers and spiritual care practitioners. Sanford’s CPE program is based out of Fargo, ND. Our ACPE Certified Educator, Rev. Gina Harvey, works with students placed at clinical sites in various settings, including parish ministry. We offer in-person CPE in Fargo, ND, and distance learning that utilizes videoconferencing. All ACPE CPE units require 400 hours. All of Sanford CPE Units include 100 Educational hours and 300 clinical hours. 

CPE Units Offered

Summer Intensive (Level I-II) ACPE Units take place in Sanford Fargo hospitals. Students work 40+ hours a week in person for 11 weeks, typically June-August, and have weekend and on-call responsibilities. Our summer units require a residency in the Fargo area for the duration of the CPE unit.

Fall and Winter Extended Units (Level I-II). These units are approximately 16 weeks long and utilize a “hybrid” format. Students participate in online education and choose a clinical site near their home. The educator assists students in securing clinical sites, including hospitals, senior living centers, and parish ministry settings. Students come to Fargo for an in-person learning time once in the unit, and the educator makes one visit to the student’s clinical site. The fall unit typically runs from late August through mid-December. The winter unit is generally scheduled from early January through April. Students complete an average of 6.5 hours of education and 22 hours of clinical work each week.

Seven-Month Extended Unit (Level I-II). This unit is approximately seven and a half months long, meeting from late September through early May. Students come to Fargo once a week for a three-hour evening education meeting (typically on Tuesdays) and participate in three full-day Saturday learning sessions. The clinical hours requirement is approximately 10 hours per week. Students may complete clinical hours in a variety of settings.

Tuition is currently $800. Students who reside outside of the Fargo area are charged a “clinical site fee” to offset the cost of the educator’s travel.

Please contact Rev. Gina Harvey, C.E. for information on how to apply!

Gina.Harvey@SanfordHealth.org   701-234-3513

St. Cloud VA Hospital (Minnesota) 

The St. Cloud VA Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, has different CPE options available.

2025 Summer CPE Program (doc) (no application or tuition fees) May 27th - Aug 8th

2026 CPE Residencies (doc) Sept 14, 2025 - Spet 13, 2026

For more information, please contact Rev. Daniel R. Duggan, M.Div, BCC, Chaplain, ACPE Certified Educator at Daniel.Duggan@va.gov or St. Cloud VA HCS, 4801 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud, MN 56303.  

Public Chaplaincy: Care in the Public Square

This unit is rethinking the spaces where chaplains function in the public domain. People who are in need of care are found within municipal courts, public hospitals, county service offices, public transportation, park and recreation centers. This is a pilot program in Minneapolis.  They also have a new CPE unit that is a climate-based chaplaincy program starting in January.

If you are interested in joining us in creating new opportunities for chaplains, and have a public site where you are interested in doing your clinical CPE hours, we are the program for you. Progressive curriculum, dynamic pedagogy, and caring supervision. National cohort meets online weekly. Students work locally in a public setting that is responsive to real community needs.

Online video group sessions, online individual supervision sessions, Canvas Learning Management System. This online learning format is especially helpful for students who are not able to physically attend a traditional, in-person, face-to-face CPE program because of limited or no ACPE-accredited centers near their geographic location. ACPE accredited.

For more information, contact Rev. Karen Hutt, ACPE Educator, revkarenhutt@gmail.com.

Sharp Healthcare-San Diego 

Sharp Healthcare is in the San Diego area and provides extended units of CPE (internships) and residencies.  Extended units typically start in January. Full-time residencies usually start in late August and require one completed unit of CPE.

Please visit their website for more information and an updated schedule of CPE offerings.

Loma Linda University Health (California)

Check out their website.

They provide Extended CPE units fall, spring, and winter.

University of California-San Diego (UCSD)

UC San Diego Health Department of Volunteer and Spiritual Care Services houses the CPE programs. They are accredited by ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education to offer Level 1 and Level 2 CPE. 

  • Level 1 CPE is an introductory program in which students develop basic clinical skills while developing professional identity and pastoral authority. 
  • Level 2 CPE focuses on integration of advance clinical skills and reflection for students, including preparation for board certification. Level 2 CPE is appropriate for students who have met all Level 1 outcomes and completed a consultation to move to Level 2. 
  • Both levels are offered as:
    • An intensive full-time 12-week summer unit (300 clinical hours, 100 educational hours)
    • An extended part-time full unit over six months (300 clinical hours, 100 educational hours)
    • An extended half-time unit over six months (155 clinical hours, 60 educational hours) 
    • Distance learning. Distance learners may enroll in either Level 1 or Level 2 CPE but may only participate in an extended full or half unit. Distance learning students have the option of completing all clinical work through their place of pastoral care employment and participation in all educational requirements online. 

For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit their website.   
Please address inquiries to cpe@health.ucsd.edu.

San Diego VA-DoD CPE Center

The San Diego VA-DoD CPE Center at the VASDHS is now accepting applications for our fall residency, which will begin September 2022. 

Class meets Mondays 0830-1330 and students are expected to work in an assigned clinic 15 hours/week over 20 weeks as well as meet with the educator 1:1 an hour each week. There is no application fee, unit fee, stipend, or vacation for the internship. However, students will have federal holidays off.

Classes will be online unless otherwise specified. Clinic work will be done in person.

For more information and/or to apply, please visit their website

Presbyterian Homes/Optage Hospice CPE Internships (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin)

How CPE internships work with Pres Homes and Optage Hospice:

  • Interns join one of our campuses or the hospice and act as pastors/chaplains on our team, receiving task supervision/training from one of our current pastoral care staff.
  • CPE training/learning is provided currently through RC Freedom Ministries, with all sessions with them held remotely.
  • We have 12 available internship spots each year, six in January and sixin August, with applications typically due in October and May.
  • Our goal is to find individuals who are in agreement with our Pietistic Theological Framework, which drives our approach to spiritual care (Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone) and who are not afraid to meet people where they are at, while also sharing the Gospel.

If interested in applying, please visit: preshomes.org/cpe.  

To see where we have locations available, please visit:

If you have questions, please contact Rev. Chris Wheatley at cwheatley@preshomes.org.

Social Justice Clinical Pastoral Education (Minnesota)

Seeking to fill 24 CPE positions each year in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
Contact the Rev. Dr. Laura Thelander at laura.thelander@voamn.org.
More information is available at www.acpe.edu

M Health/Fairview Health System (Minnesota)

M Health Fairview's two Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Centers offers both single-unit programs (Intensive and Extended) and three-unit, year-long residencies. Students may complete Level I or Level II outcomes in all the units listed, in consultation with their CPE educator. For more information about our programs and locations visit our website

HealthPartners/Park Nicollet (Minnesota)

For more information about their Twin Cities CPE programs and schedule, click here.

CPE units are offered at Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital. 

VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System (Cleveland)

Our Clinical Pastoral Education training program is accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education to provide Level I/II and Certified Educator training. Located in the Louise Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, our program follows an experiential education model through an intercultural and interfaith curriculum that is designed to prepare all trainees for Board Certification in Chaplaincy. The VA Northeast Ohio CPE program offers an 11-week, full-time CPE internship program, a 12-month residency after completing one CPE unit, and a CPE fellowship program.

For more information, please call 216.791.3800, ext. 66300 or email stacy.kenney2@va.gov.