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Permit/Violation Appeals

The Parking Appeals Committee (PAC), a democratic body consisting of employees and students, reviews citations and permit appeals on behalf of the student body. The Committee was established as a check and balance for Safety and Security, to ensure decisions are made fairly with representation from various parts of the University. 

Committee meetings are typically on a monthly basis. Membership is confidential, and contact with the committee occurs through liaisons in the Office of Safety and Security or the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services. Questions can be directed to parking-appeals@bethel.edu.

Parking violation appeals

Individuals wishing to contest a citation should submit an appeal. When reviewing parking violations, the committee will consider any relevant photographs and statements. The individual who received the citation on their vehicle is responsible for any associated fees until a decision is reached.

Commuter fee appeals

Off-campus students wishing to appeal the $175 commuter fee for parking and road maintenance will need to identify why this charge is not applicable to their situation. This fee does not correlate to the permit off-campus students receive, which has no charge associated with it.

Please email parking-appeals@bethel.edu to appeal the charge. Appeals must be received within 30 days of the charge.

Freshman and sophomore permit appeals

Parking is a limited commodity on campus. To best match parking availability with housing on campus, students with fewer than 60 completed credits are required to appeal to receive a parking permit. The Committee seeks to accommodate as many individuals as possible within this constraint.

The University encourages students to participate in activities or work a job on campus. Off-Campus shuttle service is available to nearby shopping and dining options, and many local area churches offer shuttle service from campus as well.

Permit appeal process

Appeals consist of two parts:

  1. A submitted appeal
  2. Supporting documentation

PAC decisions can only be made on the information provided, so we emphasize that documentation should reflect your basis(es) as accurately and completely as possible.

Due to the volume of appeals received, the committee leaves the generation and submission of documentation up to the applicant. Unless otherwise noted, appeals will not be reviewed by the committee until documentation for each listed basis is received.

Please review the cost per semester of on-campus parking prior to submitting an appeal. Infrequent or weekend needs may be better served by a temporary permit. 

If a vehicle is needed on campus prior to appeal review or between PAC meeting dates, please contact Safety and Security regarding a temporary permit.

Permit appeal bases 

Meeting one or multiple of these bases does not guarantee approval. Appeals must be re-submitted for each academic year, and approval in a given year does not guarantee approval for the next year.

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept bases that apply to a majority of students, such as church attendance. 

Appeals should fall under the following bases: 

  • Employment/volunteerism

For off-campus employment or volunteerism, documentation should be a letter on the organization’s letterhead stating the organization's location, the applicant’s role, and weekly schedule, with a supervisor’s name and contact information. For jobs without a direct supervisor or where you are an independent contractor, please contact us for next steps regarding documentation.

Please note that due to our constraints, the committee is unable to approve all employment/volunteerism basis appeals. Having a job off-campus does not guarantee an approved appeal.

  • Medical needs (Physical and/or mental health)

Because of the complexity and expertise demanded by permit requests for medical needs, and in order to protect student confidentiality, students must register with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS) to apply on a medical basis.

To register with OARS and receive parking accommodation, contact accessibility-services@bethel.edu.

  • University academic or athletic need

At the beginning of each semester, professors and coaches should submit lists of students requiring transportation due to university activities that happen off campus. 

The list of names should be submitted only after every effort has been made to place students in carpools and/or Bethel transportation pool vans. Permits will be granted to those students on the list for the duration of the need (i.e., appropriate athletic season or semester). 

  • Military obligations

A list of students enrolled in ROTC programs will be provided by the Office of Military and Veteran Services. There is no need to provide documentation for this basis. 

Students in the National Guard or with other current military obligations will need a memo provided by your first-line leader with tentative service dates or other documentation showing a current obligation.  

  • Distance from Home

Distance-based appeals will be reviewed based on the distance between Bethel's campus and the student's home address. Distance will be established by the Appeals Committee using the student's listed home address. A minimum distance requirement will be set yearly depending on the number of distance appeals received. 

  • Age 21+

Freshmen or sophomores that are over the age of 21 may appeal to have a permit for a vehicle on campus. Documentation is not required for this basis.

  • Hardship

The Parking Appeals Committee is aware that some situations fall outside the above parameters. In these circumstances, the committee hopes to be understanding of needs and accommodate when possible. 

Submit a parking appeal

What can I do if my appeal is denied?

Following a denied appeal, you may email the Parking Appeals Committee with any additional documentation or information. You may send this information directly to parking-appeals@bethel.edu.