☰ In This Section

State Meets Licensure Requirements License Title Board/Agency Contact Last Reviewed

Simulation is around 10% of clinical hours. students must be in MN to complete the program (no clinical completed in Alabama) substantially meets curriculum requirements

Registered Nurse (RN) Alabama Board of Nursing (ABN) Jun 20, 2024
Alaska Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Alaska Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
American Samoa


Registered Nurse (RN) American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board Jun 20, 2024

We don't meet requirements for distance learning

Registered Nurse (RN) Arizona State Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

We do not have Arkansas-specific content or impact of genetic research, sociology requirement

Registered Nurse (RN) Arkansas State Board of Nursing (ASBN) Jun 14, 2024

We don't have 6 credits of communication, public health clinical is below 75% direct patient care

Registered Nurse (RN) California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) Jun 14, 2024
Colorado Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations (DPO) Nursing Jun 20, 2024

No for summer start (not 4 semester terms), Yes for fall start (meets term requirement). Last review date is fall start only.

Registered Nurse (RN) Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Delaware Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Delaware Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
District of Columbia

Do not meet the minimum of 650 clinical hours (we have 555 total clinical hours)

Registered Nurse (RN) DC Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Federated States of Micronesia


Registered Nurse (RN) Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health and Social Affairs Jun 20, 2024

Based on contact hours, we meet the 40% clinical requirements

Registered Nurse (RN) Florida Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

no clinical placements in GA

Registered Nurse (RN) Georgia Board of Nursing Jun 11, 2024
Guam Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Guam Board of Nurse Examiners (GBNE) Jun 20, 2024

considering initial degree, prereq courses, and nursing major, students have over 120 credits

Registered Nurse (RN) Hawaii Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Idaho Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Idaho Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Illinois Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Illinois Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

we have integrated content related to physics and sociology. Our program meets required length with prereqs and major

Registered Nurse (RN) Indiana State Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

no clinical placements in Iowa

Registered Nurse (RN) Iowa Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Kansas Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Kansas Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Kentucky Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) Jun 20, 2024
Louisiana Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) Jun 20, 2024
Maine Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Maine State Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Maryland Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON) Jun 20, 2024
Massachusetts Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing (Board) Jun 20, 2024
Michigan Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Michigan Board of Nursing Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Jun 11, 2024
Minnesota Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Minnesota Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Mississippi Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Mississippi Board of Nursing (MSBN) Jun 20, 2024
Missouri Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Missouri State Board of Nursing (MSBN) Jun 20, 2024
Montana Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Montana Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Nebraska Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Licensure Unit Nursing Section Jun 20, 2024
Nevada Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Nevada State Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
New Hampshire Yes Registered Nurse (RN) New Hampshire Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
New Jersey Yes Registered Nurse (RN) New Jersey Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
New Mexico Yes Registered Nurse (RN) New Mexico Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
New York

we are part of SARA

Registered Nurse (RN) New York State Education Department (NYSED) Jun 20, 2024
North Carolina Yes Registered Nurse (RN) North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) Jun 20, 2024
North Dakota Yes Registered Nurse (RN) North Dakota Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Northern Mariana Islands Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Northern Mariana Islands (NMI) Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Ohio Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Ohio Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

If prerequisite credits are included, we meet the coursework requirements

Registered Nurse (RN) Oklahoma Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

We don't have approval by the Oregon State Board of Nursing to provide distance education

Registered Nurse (RN) Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) Jun 14, 2024
Pennsylvania Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Puerto Rico Yes Associate Nurse Puerto Rico Nursing Examining Board Jun 14, 2024
Republic of Palau


Registered Nurse (RN) Palau Ministry of Health Jun 20, 2024
Republic of the Marshall Islands


Registered Nurse (RN) Republic of the Marshall Islands Ministry of Health and Human Services Jun 20, 2024
Rhode Island Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Rhode Island Department of Health - Nursing Jun 20, 2024
South Carolina Yes Registered Nurse (RN) South Carolina Board of Nursing (SCBON) Jun 20, 2024
South Dakota Yes Registered Nurse (RN) South Dakota Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024

we don't have board approval for distance/ didactic education

Registered Nurse (RN) Tennessee Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Texas Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Texas Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
U.S. Virgin Islands

we don't have NLN approval

Registered Nurse (RN) Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure (VIBNL) Jun 20, 2024

No clinical in Utah

Registered Nurse (RN) Utah Board of Nursing Jun 14, 2024
Vermont Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Secretary of State’s Office of Professional Regulation (OPR); Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Virginia Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Virginia Board of Nursing (VBON) Jun 20, 2024

No clinical in WA

Registered Nurse (RN) Washington State Board of Nursing Jun 14, 2024
West Virginia Yes Registered Nurse (RN) West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional nurses (West Virginia RN Board) Jun 20, 2024

no clinical in WI

Registered Nurse (RN) Wisconsin Board of Nursing Jun 20, 2024
Wyoming Yes Registered Nurse (RN) Wyoming State Board of Nursing (WSBN) Jun 20, 2024