Social Responsibility
Dining Services
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Not only do we care for the Bethel community by providing a great dining experience, we also find ways to care for others through the goods we purchase and by supporting those who work towards hunger relief in our local area and beyond.
Caribou Coffee
Caribou Coffee is the first major coffeehouse to serve 100% Rainforest Alliance certified coffee and espresso. The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behavior.
Animal Welfare
As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and social responsibility on campus we serve cage-free eggs in all of our locations. As a company we are committed to eliminating gestation crates in our pork supply chain by 2022 and addressing humane treatment issues with our dairy and beef suppliers. We view our commitment to the humane treatment of animals as highly important.
Local Outreach
Bethel Dining Services collaborates with several local outreach organizations. We are partnered with the student group, CityFront, who take recently expired Simply-to-Go items from Royal Grounds and 3900 Grill and give them out on the weekends to those experiencing homelessness.
We are also involved with the Simpson House through Living Waters Lutheran Church. The donations consist of prepared food and food that will be cooked and served on-site.
Second Harvest Heartland
Dining Services promotes stewardship in our food purchases. Any extra perishable food is donated to Second Harvest Heartland the Upper Midwest’s largest hunger relief organization.
Stop Hunger Initiative
Since 1999, the Sodexo Foundation has been committed to creatively contributing to a hunger-free nation through their Stop Hunger initiative. Sodexo supports innovative programs to help American children and families who are at-risk of hunger. As part of the program, a portion of the proceeds from Astor Belgian chocolates and Simply to Go snack bags go to the Sodexo Foundation. These items are available for purchase at Royal Grounds and the 3900 Grill.
Sodexo continues to form alliances with business organizations that are ecologically sound and responsible. We continue to work with consumer organizations, governmental agencies, and industry groups to implement new strategies.
Employment Partnerships
We are proud to partner with TSE, Inc. and Kaposia, Inc. by providing meaningful employment at competitive wages for people with disabilities, enhancing community connections and strengthening our core values of Service Spirit, Team Spirit and the Spirit of Progress. We are thankful for the character and dedication each one of our TSE and Kaposia employees brings to our team.
Get Involved
We would love your input in making our campus more socially aware. See how you, as a student, can get involved in doing things that matter!