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Frequently Asked Questions


If a student or employee discloses an experience of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, disability discrimination, or racial and ethnic harassment to any employee, that employee is required to report the concern to Abby Woodley. She has the primary responsibility for oversight and enforcement of the Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Policy, Disability Discrimination Policy and Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy, as well as identifying and addressing any systemic problems that arise during the review of complaints. 

Abby Woodley may be contacted at 612.322.8908 or title-ix@bethel.edu.


What should you do if a student or employee reports to you?

  • Ensure the individual feels safe.
  • Let the individual know that you are a responsible employee and, as such, you need to share this information with Abby Woodley.
  • Explain to the individual who Abby is and what her role is. 
  • Contact Abby to share about the report that has been made to you.
    • Together, you and Abby will discuss next steps that will be most comfortable for the individual reporting. You can accompany the individual to their meeting with Abby if the individual so desires.

What can an individual expect in their meeting with the Office of People and Culture?

An individual can expect:

  • to hear about the purpose of the meeting.
    • The individual will be provided any needed immediate first steps to ensure the individual feels safe. 
    • The individual will learn about options for next steps. 
    • No decisions need to be made at this meeting.
  • to hear more about who Abby Woodley is and what her role is in the process. 
  • to share what has happened, to the degree the individual feels comfortable.
  • to be provided with the following:
    • a copy of the policy 
    • assistance with reporting to law enforcement as applicable
    • information on how to preserve evidence
    • information regarding available support services
    • supportive or interim measures options
    • their rights under the law
    • options for next steps
    • timeline for next steps
  • to receive a follow-up email with the information covered at the meeting.

Additional Resources