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Earning a special education minor will prepare you to be a teacher equipped to serve all students in your classroom. These introductory special education courses are designed to give general education majors advanced knowledge and skills to teach and support all learners, including those with disabilities.

Why should I study special education?

Students with disabilities are learning in and enriching general education classes. Every general education teacher is responsible to teach all students, including those with disabilities. Studying special education will help prepare you to be effective with all students in your future classes.

What can I do with this degree?

This minor will be attractive to school administrators because you will have advanced knowledge and skills to create learning environments where all students succeed. The minor will help you to be a more inclusive teacher, equipping you with the tools to collaborate with school colleagues and partner with parents.

What skills will I develop?

You will develop additional skills to teach students with a wide variety of abilities. You will learn about the characteristics of students with different disabilities and strategies to help them learn. This minor will familiarize you with laws and school procedures related to students with disabilities. And you will learn to be an effective member of an individualized educational plan (IEP) team. These tools will help you learn to effectively implement interventions in your general education classroom.

What unique experiences or opportunities will I have?

You will attend courses with B.A. in Special Education majors—students training to be special education teachers. Pursuing this minor offers you opportunities to partner and collaborate with your special education colleagues, mirroring the collaboration you will be expected to perform as a general education teacher. You will learn from professors passionate about serving students with disabilities well.


elementary education program nationwide for a selective admissions process

- National Council on Teacher Quality


average salary for education alumni 10 years after graduation

- U.S. Census Bureau

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